Why should you hire me as your Travel Advisor? 

The simple answer, to make your life easier. Think of me as your travel concierge. Yes, you can plan the entire trip on your own but it requires something most people value, your time. Planning a trip can easily become overwhelming. You can spend hours researching different destinations, coordinating tours, intercounty transportation from flights, trains or by car. Not to mention travel insurance, obtaining a visa, recommended vaccines, understanding the local currency and culture. I go beyond the planning stage of your trip providing my services from start to finish including accessibility throughout the duration of your travel.  

What happens during a consultation?

An initial phone consultation is required. During this call, we will discuss all your travel needs including finding the perfect destination. 

I don’t have anyone to travel with but I don’t want to travel alone, do you plan group trips? 

There are multiple options for you. I will occasionally plan a group trip open to anyone but most of my groups are customized for private groups. Nevertheless, I work closely with a few tour operators that specialize in group tours. These tours are often centered around a destination or a group with common interest. I have tour companies that only work with travelers under the age of 35. I also have companies that cater to my travelers who have seen more of life! Companies recognize travelers vary by age and interest. Give me a call and I’ll help you find the perfect group to join. 

What if something goes wrong while I’m traveling?

I work very closely with my travel partners ( tour operators, insurance companies, properties) to ensure you have 24/7 support in your current time zone. Before traveling, I will go over each detail ensuring you know exactly what to expect and who to contact under any circumstances. In addition, I can be reached directly to provide any assistance.  

Do you only plan big trips? What if I just want a quick weekend getaway. 

I don’t limit my clients on where they can travel but I specialize primarily in my favorite countries. By sharing my firsthand knowledge of the most popular destinations, my mission is to ensure your vacation is memorable.

I have special needs and required assistance to get around but I want to travel the world. Can you plan a trip for me? 

Of course I can! There may be limitations explore ancient ruins but that can’t stop you from getting close. Even if you need assistance on a cruise, I can assist. I work closely with companies that provide anything from oxygen, scooters, wheelchair and special needs equipment around the world. Give me a call and we can find your perfect destination.  

Is travel insurance mandatory? Do you provide travel insurance?

No it is not mandatory but highly recommended. For some travelers, insurance is a good deal; for others, it’s not. What are the chances you’ll need it? How willing are you to take risks? How much is peace of mind worth to you? Travel insurance can minimize the considerable financial risks of traveling including accidents, illness, missed flights, canceled tours, lost baggage, theft, terrorism, travel-company bankruptcies, medical emergencies or emergency evacuation. Take these considerations into account, understand your options, and make an informed decision for your trip. There’s really no better way to protect your vacation investment than by purchasing travel insurance.